Sunday, March 1, 2009

Change SOA Record

The following illustrates on how to change SOA record.

1. Assume the domain is "" and dns server is "dnssserver2003".
2. Open dns using the command dnsmgmt.msc.
3. In the console tree, browse to dns zone "", right click on it and select properties.
4. In dns zone properties dialog, go to "Start Of Authority(SOA)" tab, enter the FQDN of primary dns server "dnsserver2003", responsible person and serial number as shown below.
5. Thus changes the SOA record on domain controller.


Harmandeep said...

Hi ...
mate u got awesome handsout on windows server techs and especially DNS ...

can u help me with ...


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

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