Saturday, February 7, 2009

Disablensrecordsautocreation registry Key

This registry key restricts the dns server to create name server(NS) resource records automatically while loading it's dns zones. By Default (reg key doesn't exists), the dns server automates creation of name server(NS) resource records upon loading it's zones.

Key Name: Disablensrecordsautocreation
Type: dword
Default: 0
Functionality: Determines auto creation of NS records for authoritative zones on dns server.
Location: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\dns\parameters"

If reg key set to 1, then dns server restricted from registering NS resource records for authoritative zones, and also existing Name server (NS) records for the authoritative zones that are located on the DNS server are deleted automatically.

Note: 1. This reg settings restricted to only NS resource records that registered to Active Directory integrated Domain Controllers(DC).
2. Incorrectly editing the registry key may have adverse effect on the system. Save Last Known Good Configuration before editing the reg key.
3. The registry key doesn't exist by default, however if one wants to restrict (disallow) NS record registration, then create the reg key and set it to 1.
4. One must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer, or must have been delegated the appropriate authority.


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