Tuesday, February 24, 2009

remove machine from domain using netdom

To unjoin a dns client machine from it's domain on command line, do the following

1. Assume the domain to be joined is "myrootdns2003.com", machine name which is going to join domain "myrootdns2003.com" is "dnsclient", domain user account name is "Administrator" and password is "Mydns123", dnsclient machine user account and password is "Administrator" and "dnsclient123".
2. Now run the following command to remove machine from the domain,

netdom remove dnsclient /domain:myrootdns.com /userd:Administrator /passwordd:Mydns123 /usero:Administrator /passwordo:dnsclient123

3. To un-join machine with reboot option (say 100secs restart time), run

netdom remove dnsclient /domain:myrootdns.com /userd:Administrator /passwordd:Mydns123 /usero:Administrator /passwordo:dnsclient123 /REboot:100


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