Sunday, January 18, 2009

DNS BootMethod Registry Key

This registry key specifies the source of the DNS boot information, DNS Server Configuration information and configuration information of authoritative zones.

Reg Key path: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS
RegKey Value: BootMethod
Default: No key present in registry
Allowed Values: 0, 1, 2, 3

If the key does not exist or is 0, then the dns server attempts to find a "boot" file in the DNS directory. Normally located at %systemroot%\sytem32\dns\ and uses it to determine server configuration and authoritative zones. If the boot file is NOT found, then the server will start up with no authoritative zones and it acts as caching only server. If required the DNS server also reads certain server configuration registry parameters.
if the registry is value set 1, then dns server tries to get information from a boot file,
when starting from a boot file, the DNS server also reads dns server registry parameters that have no boot file analog.
The following registry parameters may normally be configured in standard boot files:

if the value is 2 then,
dns server gets the all the boot information from registry.

if the value is 3 then, dns server gets all the boot and configuration information from Active Directory. And if any other information from registry parameters.
So to set boot method to be used by dnsserver, just edit the registry key.


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